is the story of *Andy and I, and our years together. It is shocking
in detail, due to the incredible memory of some of his alters. Andy
did not know about any of the abuse when I first met him. It was
locked away in the minds of his alters. There were times when I
couldn't help but wonder if that knowledge should not have stayed
there. I hoped I wasn't wrong in introducing my suspicions about his
wrote this book ten years ago. Since then I learned that the ending
is not what really happened. I am not going to re-write the ending
as I like the ending- therefore this book is fiction. But hey- we
all like happy endings.
have plans to write more of my life's story, anyway, and at that time
I will likely tell the true ending and how that knowledge changed
things for me.
copyright for this book is updated as of this date: February 9, 2017
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