Thursday, 19 September 2019

Individualistic vs Collectivistic cultures

The United States is an individualistic culture, which is great if you love the freedom to do whatever you want- and you have the ability to do whatever you want and just don't care much what happens to everyone else.  Stop me if I'm wrong- but that's how it appears to me.

But it is a scary, lonely, deprivation laden life if you are old, infirm, disabled, or really do care about other people and the planet we live on.  Again, that's how it appears to me.

And when the world is in crisis- such as the climate crisis that effects everyone in the world- nothing gets done in an individualistic society where everyone is out for, and only for, themselves.

I see three possibilities.  Right now we have people fleeing parts of the planet that have become uninhabitable.  They are poor people, mostly from collectivistic cultures where they try hard to help each other.  But they're losing the battle.  Many are dying- it's a long story, but if you ever watch the news you know about it.  And it will only get worse as more areas are effected- by rising seas, deadly storms, heat, etc.  But some countries will last longer than others and the US is probably one that will be last to die- simply because the people in the US that are healthy, capable, etc. love their individual freedom far more than they care about anybody else.  And the last of the healthy, free individuals will be the last to die with the planet, but that's ok, they will have had good lives- unless they are children and then they will have had little or no life.

The 2nd possibility- Some dictator takes over and forces everyone to give up their freedom, live in a collectivistic culture, where they have to do what they are told or go to prison or be killed outright.  This would possibly save the planet as no more fossil fuels will be allowed, no cars, no air conditioners, and everyone will be forced into labor that will benefit everyone and the planet that we live on.  But again, no freedom at all.  The old, sick, disabled will last about as long as the healthy, capable people as they will be taken care of in a collectivistic culture- and doesn't religions teach something about the meek inheriting the earth?

The 3rd possibility would be for everyone to give up a little big of freedom and begin to care what happens to other people on the planet and the planet, itself.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could save this planet for the children born today?  Think about it.  It could be done, if we worked together, if we cared, ........

What is your choice?


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About Author
Connie Jean Conklin, MEd is a former mental health professional, decades long advocate for mental health consumers and a survivor of child abuse, herself. She feels it is important to share the knowledge she has gained through her experience and search for recovery so that others can heal sooner.

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