the latest with SEASCAT, ChildAbuse Prevention month
I made this video a few weeks ago, but we didn't manage to meet because Andy was sick and cancelled. We did talk on the phone a couple of times and he said gave notice that he was leaving his current location the end of May. Since then, I found that the rent that would have to be charged for Andy to live at the motel, would be higher than he can afford- something else to work out. But it can be done.
Meanwhile, my computer died and I've had to get a new router, etc. and so I haven't posted in awhile. No transportation, no computer, and problems with a neighbor that may have me homeless soon.
So, "One Day At A Time" is the phrase for today. I can't even post the next chapter of the book, but it is on an external hard-drive this this time, so nothing is lost, just delayed.
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