Update, Memorial Day 2018
Again it was easiest to video. I have been making it a point to visit this little park near where I am staying. It is beautiful and a great place to get centered. I'm too hyper to sit and meditate in the usual manner, though. I mostly turn the music up on my phone, with my headset, and sing out loud. Luckily there aren't too many people there and I don't have to torture them with my singing to enjoy myself. I just move to an isolated area.
Another thing I do that people probably don't think of as meditative, is Soduku puzzles. I had a job interview with the Smoky Mountain Railroad yesterday and was glad I had a Sodoku puzzle book with me. I waited just long enough, that I might otherwise have gotten flustered with too many thoughts in my head. I wouldn't have done well with the interview in that case. But after spending that time doing a puzzle, I was calm, cool and collected. I think I did well. and I expect to hear soon from the person who will interview me for the position in HR, which is the one I really think would be good for me.
There are more videos on my YouTube channel. I think you have to go to my name to see all of them, even though most are for SEASCAT. Always include my middle name- Connie Jean Conklin. There are lots of Connie Conklin's but so far as I can find, only one Connie Jean Conklin.
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