Tuesday, 2 October 2018

PTSD, C-PTSD and Housing.

I once did a workshop with a military veteran to compare military PTSD with my C-PTSD from child abuse.  It was very interesting.  Their big concern is that they are trained to kill and could hurt a loved one.  Survivors of child abuse usually don't have that concern because we so often don't have any loved ones.  We also tend to use freeze or flight more often than fight.  

We don't even know what is normal, at least not until we've worked very, very hard at recovery for many years.  One concern we share is the difficulty finding and remaining in decent housing, especially during the housing crisis we now face.  

Efforts are being made to create housing for veterans.  But, survivors of child abuse are not heros.  We don't merit any help with housing and these days we don't get it.  We also have serious health issues from a lifetime of trauma.  (To learn about this, go to YouTube and watch a few videos about ACEs or adverse childhood experiences studies/scale.)

I tried to live in housing for elderly and disabled and it never worked.  All it takes is a property manager getting into my face over a potted plant I set in the wrong place and I'm out of there.  And I've never managed to stay in a shelter because of sensory overload from the noise and the fear that arises surrounded by strangers.  

Please don't forget about us.  And if you believe in prayer, please say one for all of us out there who are throw-aways from society.


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About Author
Connie Jean Conklin, MEd is a former mental health professional, decades long advocate for mental health consumers and a survivor of child abuse, herself. She feels it is important to share the knowledge she has gained through her experience and search for recovery so that others can heal sooner.

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