Thursday, 21 March 2019

Gratitude update, brings pleasant memories

I've realized it's time to update my gratitude list.  It is the only thing that brings me out of that awful, fearful depression sets in when my life seems beyond my control.

So, while doing that I thought I'd bring the focus to a pleasant memory that I was reminded of, recently.  We've had a full moon the last couple of nights.  It was pretty, and someone commented to me how awesomely beautiful it appeared.  And, well, it did.  But it was nothing compared to a full moon I saw one time many years ago.

It was New Year's eve and I was going out for New Year's, something I seldom ever do.  I was with a boyfriend, someone insignificant as we broke up that very night.  His loss.  :)  Anyway,  we were near the entrance of the Loxahatchee River, where it exchanges brackish river water with water from the ocean.

The moon was so full as to take up the entire horizon right at the mouth of the river.  And the mouth of the river is no small space.  There were ocean going ships docked all along the river.  The outgoing tide was being sucked out into the ocean faster than the river could keep up.  The result was a dry river bed.  This could only happen with a very full moon and the perfect timing.   It was so incredible, that we were able to walk around the ships that were all sitting on the dry river bed.  I'm betting that few people have ever been in the right time and location to experience a full moon like that one.

Now for today's updated gratitude list.  I am grateful for the people I've met at the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church where I belong in Cherokee, NC.  They have such patience with me and my struggles, struggles that are so alien to them.  I get sad with the talk there that is always about home and family, as it serves as a reminder that I have no home nor do I have any family.  I always wanted one.  I question everything they teach as it is so different from the life that I've lived.  And they patiently let me vent all my doubts, which are all based on "my experience". And then they start all over doing their best, with their limited knowledge of what it's like to grow up in a very dysfunctional family.  But they are learning.  And I'm learning, too.  And after what probably was meant to be a 1 hour session, which turned into 3 1/2 hours, it was pointed out to me that it's ok to not trust other people.  My experience is clear on that point.  Human Beings are not trustworthy and in my experience they will eventually turn against me.  But trusting Jesus Christ is safe.  He won't turn against me.

I'm also grateful that Sally is still letting stay with her.  And I'm so very grateful to be sharing her pets!  They all have personalities of their own.  I'm generally a big dog person, as there's been only one cat I really got attached to, significantly.  But I love all 4 of her cats and her little dog who is only barely "yappy", at times.  

And I may have a lead on someone who can help me find a vehicle large enough to be more comfortable when it's warm enough to move out of Sally's.  If I can park in a campground, I can use electric for my oxygen machine.  And there could be a job, I'm waiting to hear more.  And if there's not, I could travel if I can get my trailer back from my nephew's.  It will need tires.  But then I could build compartments, oh, too much speculation can lead to disappointment.  We'll see.  At least I'm not giving up.  I just don't know how.  

And today I settled the plans for the event we're (me as SEASCAT) having for Child Abuse Awareness month.  Sally is backing off from SEASCAT and Mark, while far from quitting on me, is so busy.....  Anyone local- I can use volunteers!

April 17th, come support SEASCAT at the Mad Batter Food & Film, located in beautiful downtown Sylva, NC.   We will watch the movie Sybil starting at 7PM, and a raffle will start at 6PM.  
This is Mel


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About Author
Connie Jean Conklin, MEd is a former mental health professional, decades long advocate for mental health consumers and a survivor of child abuse, herself. She feels it is important to share the knowledge she has gained through her experience and search for recovery so that others can heal sooner.

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