Thursday, 14 March 2019

April- It's Child Abuse Awareness month so let's measure your knowledge

Here is the survey to see what members of the community already know about child abuse and survivors of child abuse.  The answers are here so you can grade yourself, but please answer to the best of your ability before looking at them.

1) What kinds of child abuse are you aware of?

emotional, physical, sexual, neglect

2)  Do you know which kind is hardest to recover from?

emotional (emotional abuse is also a part of most other forms of abuse)

3)  Do you know if abuse occurs the same in all socioeconomic classes?

It does in every category except neglect where it is more common in lower socioeconomic classes as parents struggle to provide for their children

4)  Do you know who is most likely to be the child abuser?

Would it surprise you to know that 80% of all child abuse is by a parent or guardian.

5)  Do you know any of the causes of child abuse?

(accept $ as a cause for neglect)  Birth defects are one of the most common causes.

 6)  What would you do if you knew of a situation of child abuse?

Call or go to child protective services at DSS.  Accept "call police" 

 7)  Do you know any survivors of child abuse (adults over 18)?  Really know?

 8)  What are some of the things a survivor may struggle with when they become an adult?  

accept relationship problems, struggle to keep a job,  homelessness, mental health problems (but differentiate between mental "illness" and mental disorder or condition.)  

9)  Do you know what ACEs refers to?  

accept Adverse Childhood Experiences  scales, studies, etc.  Studies that show the physical changes to the body and the brain as a result long term "Toxic Stress".  (The s can also stand for scale, which is a rating system that measures toxic stress.) 

10)  How long do you expect it can take to recover from child abuse?

It can easily take an entire lifetime and many never do.  There is a lot that an understanding community can do to make it easier for a person to work on their recovery.

Our educational program is offered to the community.  E-mail, or text/telephone (828) 506-6141.  If you are a survivor telephone Mark for peer support or myself to volunteer with us.  And let us know if you want to be added to our mailing list.  (Mark's # is (828) 342-3198)

If you got a perfect score please consider getting more involved with SEASCAT!


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About Author
Connie Jean Conklin, MEd is a former mental health professional, decades long advocate for mental health consumers and a survivor of child abuse, herself. She feels it is important to share the knowledge she has gained through her experience and search for recovery so that others can heal sooner.

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